Monday, 2 February 2009

Could we have a little chat about my rebirth please...

If there is such a thing as rebirth, and if I am ever destined to be born yet again and again, I earnestly wish to be born in Tamil Nadu, and Tamil Nadu alone. This I tell YOU now, just in case I forget to in my old age, senility possibly having taken control of my mind then.


Anonymous said...

Better to be born in a different planet attached to aliens. Much superior beings and brain levels.

Tamil Nadu wow nice place for historical reasons, bad place for a peace of mind.Nevertheless we have aliens of a different being ask Satay Ayam's founder.

Shakti RC said...

But Anonymous, one's piece of mind need not be dependent on the environment, don't you think? :). Peace of mind comes from within, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Enviroment does play plenty of importance it is how you associate the enviroment and what you think. The coordination and the association dictates how the mind thinks and churns out thoughts of which are emotional in both ways.

Shakti RC said...

In that context, how did you end up the way you are despite being a Malaysian lah, Anonymous? lol. Environment obviously did not affect you...:)

Anonymous said...

Well that I have to ask my parents to tell you the truth even though I'm a Malaysian.

Enviroment is an abstract concept that has effect on the cognitive mind and apprehends the inputs accordingly