Thursday, 25 December 2008

Inspiration comes from within, with a good thump on the back...

Inspiration comes from within.
Yet not as true,
as I would like to believe it to be...

The words were there, no doubt.
Thousands of them,
lodged in between my being,
To cough them out,
That too, as and when needed,
Was never as easy as I had hoped it to be.

They sometimes came in tens,
Sometimes hundreds,
cough I as I might endlessly,
Not one would come forth.

Then came a day,
The day a good thump came on my back.
And lo,
Out came pouring,
(though not without difficulty)
Tens, hundreds, and thousands of them words.

As they came forth,
They fitted in,
Here and there,
To fill the whats, whens and whys,
Till a story was told,
The story of how...

Inspiration comes from within,
But not as true,
As it does,
with a good thump on the back…

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