Thursday, 18 December 2008

Ezhaigal ithayamum vahanam thaane, erida manathillayo...

During a recent prayer for my late mother, we, the children, were asked to join the priest in singing a beautiful hymn entitled HARA HARA SIVA SIVA. It was pretty long, and among the many stanzas, one especially moved me to tears. It goes like this...

Rishabame Vahanam, Theru-vinil Oorvalam
Thinam Sellum Gurumaniye
Ezhaigal Ithayamum Vahanam Thane
Ezhaigal Ithayamum Vahanam Thane
Erida Mana-thillaiyo
Arunachala Sivame

The mere mouthing of the part which asks the lord beseechingly,

"ezhaigal ithayamum vahanam thaane, erida manathillayo"
(the hearts of poor souls are but mere vehicles that carry you within, my lord,
have You no wish then to mount them)

...was an intensely humbling experience for me.

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