Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Momentary Madness

It all happened within a fraction of a second.

Before I could even evade,
(by letting details of the incident settle in).
The issue behind the incident,
Being the core culprit that it is,
Took control and charged ahead.

Assuming the form of a giant octopus,
With its powerful eight sucker-bearing arms,
It entered my head,
Of course it was now not a mere giant octopus,
(though even as just that – a giant octopus – its strength would have sufficed to overpower me)
It was now an octopus with a human-related issue at hand,
(Eight arms mind you, manhandling one issue).

Can you imagine how wilfully the eight arms spread themselves in my head?
In the name of the god of which I cannot make up my mind now,
It was horrendous, I tell you.

With its eight powerful arms,
This so-called issue a.k.a octopus
Crawled itself into me,
With a look in its eyes that said,
You’re all mine today, woman!
(you know the kind of look a murder-bent person would give his victim as he gains on her).

First it settled itself with a thud in my head -
grabbing control of the physical space.
Then it went for the inhabitants.

The emotions which were in control till then – it stirred,
Moving them away from familiarity,
Repositioning them next to those they could never imagine themselves to be.
Then, seeing that the emotions were all damagingly misplaced,
It gave its evil laugh and belched its satisfaction off.

Then - the issue aka octopus reached for my sanity.

And I knew then –
that I was a goner.

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