Try as I might to place you on a pedestal,
To make you stand strong,
In all your weakness and sneakiness,
You escape my guard
To seek mundane little delights.
Oh treacherous heart of mine
When will you ever learn – that
It is I alone you can trust
And I alone you must love.
Have I not been telling you,
for as long as we have been together – that
Intoxication (of emotions) is bad for the soul,
both, yours and mine.
But do you listen to me, ever?
Instead - you sneak away from me,
Despite all the little reminders I feed you with,
You sneak out to seek silly little pleasures
And come back with a prick here, a bruise there.
How will I ever make you see?
What should I do to put some sense into you?
Aren’t the scars you see in you lessons enough?
Don’t the scars smart still when you expose them again and again -
To the sickly delights that you keep running to.
When will you ever learn to stop?
When I rip you off me,
And bury you into deep slumber?
Will you then stop, O silly, treacherous heart of mine.
Will you then learn your lesson?
Or -
will you push your way through the wet earth,
And go seek your mundane delights in the world of the dead
In the world of dead hearts…
Writer Unknown